Sons of Trouble: A Biker Erotic Romance Read online

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  On the other hand, there was a cautious round of applause for the nomad bikers, as the other customers processed the fact that someone had finally stood up to the Merrick gang. The bikers accepted the adulation with modest smiles, albeit tinged with an element of self-satisfaction. Then, they returned to their seats, all except for the leader who went behind the counter to speak with Bianca.

  “Sorry about that. No one deserves to be spoken to like that.”

  “Thanks a lot.” Bianca didn’t sound nor feel particularly grateful, as she furtively arranged things behind the counter.

  “Are you ok?”

  “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?” Bianca hissed at him. She tried to keep her voice down to avoid attracting the attention of the other customers in the diner, but her anger was evident.

  “I just kicked out some prick who was abusing you, that’s what I did,” he replied, confused by her apparent ingratitude.

  “No one ever talks that way to the Merrick boys,” she shot back angrily, “and they certainly don’t punch them in the face! If you so much flinch in a way they don’t like, they’ll trash whatever they can, just out of spite. You think they were joking when they threatened to smash this place up? They’ve done it before and not just to my business.”

  “Are people that afraid of them?”

  “They think they own this town and they practically do. Chad Merrick, the guy you floored, his father is the town commissioner. So, the local cops can never prove anything against them and they can get away with pretty much anything they want.” Bianca fought back tears, then she recomposed herself and rubbed her moist eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful. It’s just that the Merrick boys have been terrorizing me for years; me and everyone else unlucky enough to cross paths with them. The only thing that makes the abuse worthwhile is the cash they pay for the damage they cause. This diner is my life, if they decide to tear it down because I’m rude to them, they’ll do it; but, there’ll be no cash payout afterwards.”

  The nomad leader listened with an impassive face; but, Bianca could see the incredulity in his expressive blue eyes. It was tinged with a spark of righteous anger, since part of him clearly didn’t believe that a pack of glorified goons could have the entire town under their thumb.

  “Ask anyone here if you don’t believe me,” Bianca added, in an attempt to tackle his doubts.

  “What if someone took care of this little problem, permanently?” The incredulity in his eyes had turned to righteous fury.

  “You’re a nomad biker and I’m just an owner of a small town diner, surviving from paycheck to paycheck. Why would you care about helping me?”

  The biker took an assertive step forward until he was only a few inches from Bianca. She didn’t move back or flinch, as he looked down into her eyes with his deep blue gaze. Something about those eyes mesmerized her.

  He held her gaze for several seconds before finally replying, “I exacerbated this mess for you. I’ll be the one to make sure it gets cleaned up. A pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to live in fear all her life from those goons.”

  Bianca tried to answer, but found herself at a loss for words. He was even more attractive up close. He looked every inch the quintessential heartthrob with his finely groomed beard, his powerful torso, and his alluring blue eyes. His mouth had a perpetual smile playing at the corners, somehow smug and self-deprecating at the same time. Just from being so close to him, Bianca realized that her heart was thumping with curious excitement.

  “Well, that sounds awfully chivalrous of you,” she finally answered, trying to harden her tone into something more serious, “but you can’t deal with every problem that comes your way by punching it in the face.”

  “True,” he conceded, “that’s where a crowbar comes in handy.”

  “Very funny,” she snorted. Her amusement vanished when she saw the crowbar hanging from his belt and she realized that he wasn’t joking.

  “You wouldn’t happen to know where the commissioner’s office is, would you?” he casually asked.

  “It’s the big brown building with the US flag on it.”

  “Thanks,” he said with a smile.

  “Wait!” she called after him as he turned to leave. Again, she found herself at a loss for words. Was she going to wish him luck or ask him not to go? Or maybe tell him to get on his bike and never come back? “I didn’t get your name,” she said eventually.

  “Braden,” he replied, as he pulled out a wad of cash and left it on the counter. “I’ll see you later, Bianca.”

  She blinked in surprise, as she wondered how he knew her name. Then, she remembered that her uniform had a name tag on it. She took the money and began counting it out as Braden went back to his crew.

  After a few words together, they roared away on their motorbikes. Bianca was left to contemplate her predicament and muse about the mysterious Braden. She was still afraid that the Merrick boys would be back; but, there was little she could do about it now that her pseudo-savior had chosen to intervene.

  As she continued serving customers through lunchtime, Bianca’s thoughts returned again and again to Braden. People in town knew better than to stand up to the Merrick crew. They weren’t above torching buildings to teach people a lesson about respect, even though such cases were never proven. It had taken a brash outsider to do that; but now, her business may be burned to the ground, if not the rest of the town with it. What business did that conceited, Harley-riding thug have interfering in a town he’d never been to before? He’d be gone the next day, leaving everyone else to weather the consequences of his reckless behavior, she thought.

  Bianca shook her head and continued with her job. The combination of worrying about the future and contemplating the enigma of this morning’s visitors was making her head hurt. For now, she still had a business to run.


  Around 11pm, the last few customers were finishing their late night suppers and getting ready to head home. There was usually something very satisfying about seeing the flow of customers gradually ebb towards closing time. It meant that she could soon go home and rest. This time, however, the satisfaction was overshadowed by apprehension about the Merrick crew. When would they come round to smash the diner? Why would the nomad bikers actually set the Merrick boys straight? Her diner was doomed for sure, she thought.

  The last of the customers paid their bills and headed home, followed by the cook. Bianca was left to sweep the floor and lock up for the night. As much as she hoped that the diner would not be smashed to pieces by the vengeful Merrick crew overnight, she knew it was a slim chance.

  Bianca’s heart leaped with terror when she heard the distant roar of an engine coming from the main road. She dropped the broom and hid behind the counter, praying that it was the nomad bikers on their way out of town and not the Merrick boys on their way to destroy her livelihood. Her heart sank, as she heard the engine pull up outside the diner and then die out. Peeking up over the counter, Bianca saw a lone figure walk towards the diner entrance. There was no 4x4 in the parking lot outside, only the silhouette of a Harley-Davidson. Although the closed sign was on the door, the lights were still on and the door was still unlocked; so, the biker walked in.

  “Bianca?” Braden’s voice called out.

  Bianca popped up from her hiding place and gasped in shock at the sight of the otherwise handsome biker sporting a fresh bruise on the side of his forehead and bloodstains on his jacket.

  “What the hell happened to you?” she exclaimed, as she rushed out to assist him.

  “It’s nothing, really,” he replied reassuringly, gently brushing aside her hands.

  “The rest of your crew, what happened?” she asked him frantically.

  “They’re fine, they’re back at the motel where we’re staying,” he explained calmly. “The important thing is you’ll never have to deal with those goons again.”

  “Sit down and I’ll be right back,” she told him, as she headed for the
kitchen. “I’ll just get a first aid kit and you can tell me what happened.”

  “I told you, it’s nothing.”

  “Don’t play hard man with me,” she shot back at him. “You need patching up, and given how much trouble you’ve caused since arriving here, the least you can do is sit down and accept a goddamned bandage.”

  Braden didn’t argue any further. Instead, he took off his jacket as Bianca returned with a first aid kit. She removed a cotton pad and soaked it in antiseptic before applying it to his forehead bruise. He inhaled sharply through gritted teeth, but refused to wince.

  “So, tough guy,” Bianca prompted her patient, “why don’t you tell me all about your adventures battling the Merrick boys.”

  Braden recounted how he and his crew beat the crap out of the senior and junior Merricks and the rest of the gang. Then, they torched the young hooligans’ precious 4x4. This done, they warned them that there would be much worse to come if they ever went near the diner again.

  “Men are such thugs,” Bianca said with a roll of her eyes.

  “Even me?” Braden asked with a brash grin.

  “Especially you!” Bianca exclaimed. “Why the hell did you have to pick a fight with them in the first place? Life wasn’t great with them around, but at least I knew how to manage them: put up with the insults and the abuse, hope no one would piss them off, and they’d be gone as quickly as they arrived. Then, you show up and punch the ringleader in the face! You should’ve just minded your own business and gone on your merry way.”

  “I didn’t like them pushing you around,” Braden replied, utterly calm in the face of Bianca’s seemingly angry tirade, “so I did something about it.”

  “You’re reckless and violent and stupid!” Bianca continued, sounding more anguished than angry. “You turned everything upside down, you–”

  Braden launched forward and kissed Bianca assertively. She squirmed in surprise at his sudden move, but found it surprisingly comforting. Then, she allowed herself to be pulled into his embrace. His hands drifted from her cheeks and he began to run his fingers gently through her hair. She found herself transfixed, as she basked in the intimacy of the moment.

  The mysterious heartthrob tenderly pulled her in closer. Then, without thinking, her own hands began to wander across his chest, worming their way underneath his shirt to touch his skin directly. Her fingers felt the well-defined contours and grooves of his muscular torso and the growing physical intimacy began to stir up baser feelings deep inside her.

  Bianca realized suddenly what was happening and pulled away sharply, not sure if she was prepared to go that far. She composed herself and straightened her hair before speaking. “I hope you didn’t come all the way over here just so you could nail one of the local waitresses.”

  “I came here to tell you that you don’t have to live in fear of those knuckleheads anymore,” Braden explained, as his conceited, brash exterior gave way to sincerity. “You’re absolutely right about me. I am a reckless, violent thug. I always have been. I can’t keep my opinions to myself and someone usually has a problem with what I have to say. When that happens, a fist or a crowbar is the tool I normally use to settle the argument. I had a serious problem with that prick treating you like dirt. Maybe I had no right to intervene to protect you, but I sure as hell don’t regret it.”

  In spite of herself, Bianca realized that she was genuinely falling for this man. He’d swooped in and dealt with a problem she thought she’d have to endure for the rest of her days. Plus, his handsome looks and bad boy demeanor were helping her overcome her inhibitions and apprehensions about him.

  Yet, the remaining sliver of caution in her mind continued to cry out. She knew virtually nothing about the guy. He’d be gone in the morning and would likely never return. She couldn’t just surrender herself to him, as if he were a knight in shining armor; but, a growing part of her wanted to. She’d felt the first sparks of attraction the minute she’d laid eyes on him. Those sparks were made all the more potent when he’d stood up for her. Despite her fears about provoking the Merrick boys, his defense of her – the poor damsel in distress – appealed to her on so many levels. Her heart was literally throbbing now and the last sliver of caution finally vanished, as she threw caution to the wind.

  Bianca wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. He returned the embrace and caressed her body tenderly, as they stoked one another’s passions. He reached down and planted his hands behind her knees, lifting her up into the air. She yelped in surprise and clung on tightly to her lover, as he carried her effortlessly into the back of the diner. In her reverie, she did have the presence of mind to flick the light switch off. No need for late night passersby to catch a glimpse of what was about to unfold, she thought.

  Braden sat her down on a stool behind the counter and began to undress her. She didn’t resist as her lover undid her waitress’s uniform and opened up her shirt. He kissed her all over her neck and chest and she rolled her head back in passive lust. At the same time, she ran her hands across his shoulders and back. She instinctively spread her thighs for him, as his hands felt their way across her belly and hips to her thighs. Then, she closed her legs again, so he could roll up her skirt and ease her panties down her legs, exposing her womanhood.

  For Bianca, the passion was mixed with a feeling of intense vulnerability. With her pussy exposed, she felt totally naked to him already, even though she still had most of her clothes on. But rather than recoil from him, she embraced the vulnerability and meekly spread her thighs. Her sex was wet for him, eager to accept his masculinity inside its silken folds. He undid his belt and pulled down his pants and underwear, baring his manhood. It was hard to see in the dark, but she could make out the sizeable silhouette of his cock, already hardened into a thick, solid staff.

  Holding onto his shoulders, Bianca moved to the edge of the stool and presented her pussy to her lover. He took his dick in hand and guided it towards its mark. She felt a rush of excitement sweep through her when she felt the fleshy tip kiss her labia, seeking entrance into her most sacred depths. With his manhood in position, he pushed forward with his hips, driving his cock inside her. Then, he released a gasp of pleasure, as the soft, womanly flesh engulfed his cock. Bianca gasped, too, as she felt the size of his rod inside her. She was a virgin and never had to accommodate anything so big inside of her before. Her inexperienced pussy worked hard to lubricate the masculine guest pushing its way inside.

  When the tip of his cock kissed the doorway of Bianca’s womb, Braden held himself inside of her for a few seconds and allowed her to acclimatize to his presence. Bianca had never felt so overwhelmed in her life. A gorgeous hunk of a bad boy was joined to her at the crotch. The tip of his spear rubbed softly against her cervix and its thick shaft fit snugly inside her love-canal.

  Braden cradled her close in his powerful embrace and she reciprocated the gesture, as she came to terms with crossing this threshold. It was an entirely new experience for her, and yet, it felt so right.

  Braden pulled out a few inches and then thrust himself straight back into her, making her yelp. He repeated the movement again, then again, accelerating to keep pace with her body’s tolerances.

  Her pussy stretched to accommodate him, as he thrust inside her. It was painful for her, but she endured as his tender movements gradually became more forceful. He had needs and she was the one who would to provide for them.

  His strokes became quicker and more aggressive, while Bianca’s pussy lubricated itself to keep up. Before long, the pain was replaced by the wet sliding of his cock inside her and her yelps of pain became moans of pleasure. Each stroke sent a spike of euphoria through her groin and into her belly, making her cunt wetter as it sucked eagerly at Braden’s manhood.

  The growing orgasm inside her triggered rhythmic waves of contractions in the muscular walls of her womanhood. These contractions rippled up and down her love-tunnel, caressing and massaging the length of his cock, as it rammed in
side her. Her body was eager to spur him on, yet, she cried out for it to release. But, release would not come so soon.

  Finally, Bianca squealed like a girl, as an orgasm rippled up and down her body, setting her belly on fire. She wrapped her legs tightly around her lover’s thrusting hips and embraced him closer still. Her body was desperate to receive the virile offering that was surely coming.

  Sure enough, Braden’s own capacity to hold out was wearing thin. Bianca’s orgasm caused her pussy to tighten like a vice on his cock. It was like a warm, wet vice squeezed and caressed his manhood from top to bottom. He grunted aloud from the tightness of her cunt on his cock, but he thrust into her harder still. He ground his crotch into hers, producing liquid slapping noises. His climax was unstoppable and, before long, he could no longer resist the inevitable.

  With a deliciously masculine snarl of pleasure, Braden forced his hips in between Bianca’s thighs as far as he could go and held himself there. He gripped her hips with dogged determination, while a new sensation invaded her pussy. A jet of warm, sticky liquid erupted inside her, followed by another and another.